Earn. Save. Build.

Financial well-being is possible. Learn about the resources and supports to help you earn, save and build towards a stable and secure financial future.


Money Basics

Learn about banking, financial literacy programs, tools and calculators. Learn more

Get money

Learn how to increase your income and apply for income boosting benefits. Learn more


Learn how to save for your kids, retirement, a house and if you have a disability. Learn more


Learn how to reduce debt and build credit. Learn more


Financial Empowerment Activities Focus on 3 Key Areas


Activities that focus on improving Edmontonians’ ability to earn include:

  • Increasing access to income boosting benefits and tax credits

  • Increasing income generating opportunities


Activities that focus on improving Edmontonians’ ability to save include:

  • Improving access to financial services and products

  • Increasing consumer awareness and advocating for consumer protection

  • Increasing access to savings


Activities that focus on improving Edmontonians’ ability to build include:

  • Increasing access to financial information, education and coaching

  • Expanding asset building opportunities



Subscribe to Earn, Save, Build

Earn, Save, Build is a monthly newsletter that outlines activities on financial empowerment in Edmonton


" I learned so much during the program that I think I can now build my life the way I want to. I can be successful, and I can show my children that life is about the choices you make."

- Angel S.